Spanish Legal CPD, May, 4th 2023

#SCITlegalcpd #spanish #legal #seminar #legal #translators


Online CPD – Continous Professional Development event via Zoom in Spanish with active participation. 

4-teaching hour seminar, 5 pm until 8:30 pm CET, GMT+2, (Ljubljana time) on Thursday, May, 4th 2023.

Seminar for court/legal translators, lawyers, and interpreters organized by the Association of Sworn Court Interpreters and Legal Translators of Slovenia.


El español jurídico: terminología y gramática

  1. Diferencias entre los distintos profesionales judiciales en el sistema jurídico español (juez de paz, juez de instrucción, magistrado, procurador, abogado, secretario judicial, etc.)
  2. Características gramaticales, léxico-semánticas y discursivas del español jurídico (tiempos verbales, construcción oracional, estilo, etc.)
  3. Colocaciones: características y ejemplos (confesarse culpable, previsto expresamente, enriquecimiento ilícito, etc.)
  4. Terminología jurídica general, diferencias entre términos similares (demanda y denuncia, hurto y robo, arresto y detención, etc.)
  5. Terminología jurídica propia de las sucesiones (el proceso sucesorio, los diferentes testamentos y herederos, acervo, legado, etc.)

Bio note 

María Galán Barrera (1990), Licenciada en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2012), Máster en Comunicación Intercultural, Interpretación y Traducción en los Servicios Públicos por la Universidad de Alcalá (2013)

In 2012, María Galán Barrera graduated in Spanish, English and French Translation and Interpreting from the Autonomous University of Madrid. She also completed a one-year postgraduate course in Intercultural Dialogue, Interpreting and Translation for Public Institutions at the University of Alcalá.

In 2012, she passed the exam for court translator and interpreter for the English language at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain.

From 2015 to 2021, she was the President of the Spanish Association of Translators, Proofreaders and Interpreters (ASETRAD). Since 2017, she is Co-Chair of the FIT Legal Standing Committee. Since 2021 she is the Treasurer of FIT Europe, the Regional Center of the International Federation of Translators (FIT).


About SCIT®

The Association of Sworn Court Interpreters and Legal Translators of Slovenia SCIT®, was founded in 2012 in Ljubljana (February 13, 2012).

SCIT® is a specialized association that represents and is devoted to court interpreters and legal translators in the Republic of Slovenia. It takes care of the dissemination of national and international recommendations for the mentioned area.

In 2022, SCIT® celebrated its 10th anniversary of existence and operation. In 2017, it became a regular member of the International Federation of Translators FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs), which was founded in 1953 in Paris, and celebrates 2023 its 70th anniversary.

At the General Assembly of FIT and the XXII FIT World Congress in Varadero, Cuba, Viktorija Osolnik Kunc, founder, president and member of SCIT® was elected with a convincing majority of votes to the Council of FIT, the highest body in the field of translation internationally. In order to ensure a balanced geographical representation, the FIT Council has three co-opted members. More about FIT and the FIT Council >>

SCIT® is a registered trademark (registration number 202070102, decision of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Slovenia dated 12 October 2020). Trademark protection applies to the use of the image and content, regardless of the colour of the trademark.

“SCIT” stands for Slovene Court Interpreters and Translators. In 2017, the association registered the short name “Združenje SCIT”. From now on the full name reads “Association of Sworn Court Interpreters and Legal Translators of Slovenia SCIT®”. The abbreviation “SCIT” is therefore an integral part of the full as well as the short name of the association.